About WCEF2024

About WCEF2024

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Background of the Forum

  • Responding to the climate crisis is a global challenge that demands a shift toward a climate-friendly social and economic paradigm. It is essential to create a platform for public discourse to encourage voluntary participation from the local community, public institutions, businesses, academia, and other sectors.
  • The World Climate Economy Forum (WCEF) 2024 plans to host an event, bringing together international experts and business professionals to discuss the pressing theme, "The Climate Economy in a Time of Crisis: Jeju’s Vision for a Sustainable Future."
  • The forum aims to promote Jeju Special Self-Governing Province’s climate crisis response policies while increasing both domestic and international awareness. It seeks to position Jeju as a region where carbon neutrality and economic growth can coexist in response to climate change. Additionally, the forum aspires to support Jeju's development into a central hub for sustainable human and intellectual networks.

Logo design identity

  • The WCEF is an organization that conducts research on how to respond to and economically utilize changed international issues such as global warming caused by human resource abuse and carbon emissions, and the resulting global climate crisis
  • WCEF2024's logo is designed to feel three keywords: Expert, Authority, and Dignity